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Campaign Reporting Metrics
Updated over a week ago

Campaign Reporting Metrics

Within each Campaign, users can view the data and metrics for the Campaign's duration. Each social platform manages its data differently, making certain data public, private, or available only after verifying the user and platform they wish to share the data with (in this case, Tagger).

There are two ways data can be added to the Campaign Summary when it is pulled in via public API, Creators can opt-in to Tagger's platform (a verification process required by social platforms), or Tagger users can add the content and metrics manually.

Find each Platform's available metrics in their corresponding section below. Please note that all metrics obtained through API access can also be added/edited manually.

Metrics availability

Descriptions and availability of the metrics are now available directly in the UI!

Hover on a metric to see its description and the platforms on which it's available:

Click "Learn More to learn about how Tagger calculates and obtains the data for a given metric:

When hovering over metrics on a preview on a single post, see where the source of the specific data points and discover how long ago have they been updated:

Always up-to-date metrics

We've created a new, always up-to-date resource on Tagger Metrics for each social media platform. Feel free to try it out!

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