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Updated over a week ago

#trends allow you to stay on top of the latest trends and ahead of your competition. With access to valuable insights, #trends can help inform your marketing strategy and allow you to make data-informed decisions that will increase the success of your campaigns. Leverage #trends to:

  • Identify key competitors

  • Monitor popular and evergreen hashtags

  • Track content correlations and conversation shifts

  • Discover popular product features or benefits

  • Develop content strategies for campaigns

Leverage our powerful compare feature that enables you to effortlessly view and analyze critical data from previous dates, facilitating easy comparisons and insights.

Adding a line chart allows you to grasp the popularity and usage patterns of the hashtags over time or within a specific timeframe.

Utilize the power of the mentions table for an in-depth analysis of mentioned brands by influencers in relation to the topics in your report – assisting you in identifying key industry players and potential collaborative partners.

Tagger Tip

Try generating a similar report with competitor brands, providing valuable insights into how they are positioned in the market, enabling you to learn from their successes and failures. Refine your own marketing strategies and develop stronger partnerships with other key players in your industry.

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