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Pixels & UTMs

How Tagger incorporates UTMs and Pixels into Campaigns

Updated over a week ago


Traditionally, pixels are embedded into websites to gather audience data and activate when users land on that page.

On Tagger, pixels are added directly to the created URLs and fire immediately upon clicking on the link instead of firing when landing on the website. Adding pixels in this way provides a unique opportunity to track traffic to third-party websites (where pixels would otherwise not be peaceable). Users can leverage an audience in many ways, including retargeting, building lookalike audiences, deeper analyses, etc. Associate pixels in a Campaign's Settings.

Append a Pixel to a Tagger Link

Step 1:

Visit the ad platform your Organization leverages. Tagger is compatible with major networks such as Facebook, Google Ads, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok.

Step 2:

Copy the pixel code snippet.

  • The location of the code snippet within the ad platform will be dependent on the network.

Step 3:

Paste the code snippet into Link Tracking in Campaign Settings.

Step 4:

Select "Save."


Tagger's UTM builder will append UTM parameters to the destination URL, providing a means to obtain attribution insights directly through your analytics provider. Our solution comes with five standard parameters compatible with most common analytics tools, such as Google Analytics:

  • Source

  • Medium

  • Campaign

  • Term

  • Content

To add parameters, toggle on "UTM" while creating the links. The parameters are preset and automatically append to your links based on post-level information, such as Campaign, post platform, Creator, and content number.

Parameters will integrate with the link automatically based on the template created and the post-level information in the draft.

Further Parameter Information

The parameter's template pulls information from different parts of a draft post to append the UTMs to the destination URL.

Parameter Name

Where Parameter is Pulled From

In this Example


Post platform of draft post



Preset as 'influencer' for all drafts you create



The name of the Campaign

Tagger UTM and Pixel Campaign


The Creator's social handle or page name



The title of your draft post

Instagram Photo 1

The Final Link

The available parameter slugs can be removed to align with the Organization's internal reporting structure. However, Source, Medium, and Campaign must remain within the URL, as these three parameters are required for data to work with Google Analytics. Attempting to create a link structure without these three parameters will result in an error message.

Please note that a Campaign name that includes special characters may impact the ability of your analytics tool to read the link correctly. We recommend not including any special characters in the campaign name of programs that might include UTM links.

Create a Custom Domain

To create a custom domain for Link Tracking, please follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Purchase a dedicated domain intended to be used only for this purpose. Please note that an existing page cannot be associated with this domain.

Step 2:

Have your Organization's web/IT team set up their NS servers accordingly for the domain created in step one.

Step 3:

Indicate where this domain should redirect to if someone visits it.

For example, if one of the influencer URLs in a campaign is "," and someone attempts to go to "" directly, where will they land? Perhaps the Organization's homepage is appropriate, but it is up to each user.

Step 4:

Tagger must process this information within GeniusLink. Turn around time is generally estimated at one week; please plan for an additional week before the link is up and running after completing the above steps.

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