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Learn more about the Content tab on Tagger Profiles.

Updated over a week ago

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The Content tab on a Tagger Profile provides information around the content of the selected Profile. Tagger collects content from the social platforms linked to the Tagger Profile.


Content within the Profile is displayed in either Grid View or List View. Tagger defaults to Grid View, which previews all posts created by the selected Profile.

Content previews are organized by recency; however, change this by selecting "Sort By."

Select a piece of content to expand it, which displays the metrics associated with that content and a direct link to the original content.

List & Grid View

View content as a grid, Tagger's default, or as a List.

Sort data while in List View by clicking on the column headers. Doing this will organize the data in descending order by the selected heading. Selecting the heading a second time will organize the data in ascending order.

List view displays up to 50 pieces of content per page. To navigate to the next page, use the arrows.


The Filters available in the Mention tab include:

  • Platform: Only see content from specified platforms.

  • Content Type: Only see content relevant to specified Content Types (i.e., photos, videos, etc.).

  • Keywords: Select custom keywords that must be present within the post.

    • Type the desired keywords into the box that populates after selection. Type in the desired phrase and select "+ Add Item" or press the enter key to search using multi-word phrases.

  • Posts: Differentiate between Sponsored and Organic Posts.

    • To identify sponsored posts, we have a list of words and phrases that are commonly used, like #sponsored or #partner. We also make sure to include any other unique ways that brands might disclose that their post is sponsored, like using a specific hashtag, such as #taggerpartner. Please reach out to your CSM if there’s a specific sponsored signal you’d like considered to be added to our index.

  • Publication Date: Select this filter and fill in the desired "Start Date" and "End Date" to see posts published only within that specified time frame.

  • Likes: Select this filter and use the sliding bar to see posts that received the number of likes specified within the range created by the slider.

  • Comments: Select this filter and then use the sliding bar to see posts that received the number of comments specified within the range created by the slider.

  • Shares: Select this filter and then use the sliding bar or text boxes to set parameters. Shares will show only posts that received the number of shares specified within the range created using the slider or text box.

  • Views: Select this filter and use the sliding bar or text boxes to set parameters. Views will show only posts that received the number of views specified within the range created using the slider or text box.

  • Engagement: Select this filter and then use the sliding bar to see posts that received the number of engagements specified within the range created by the slider.

  • Engagement Rate: Select this filter and then use the sliding bar to see posts that achieved an engagement rate within the specified range created by the slider.

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