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Explore the Affinity tab on a Tagger Profile

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Tagger Affinities

The Affinity tab on a Tagger Profile finds look-a-like Profiles using a proprietary metric that evaluates mentions, hashtags, and phrases.

The assumption is that if a Brand or Individual regularly talks about similar topics on social media, their audiences tend to engage with one another's content.

Affinities are a great way to provide insights into brand partnership potential. Once Tagger collects a Profile's Affinities, each Profile is assigned a ranking and sorted on the page accordingly.

To find Affinities on a Tagger Profile, select "Affinity."

Affinity Table

The first element on the Affinity tab is the Affinity Table. This table breaks down the selected Profile's Affinities by Category. The first row displays the Tagger Category that the selected Creator is assigned. The following Categories fall in the subsequent rows. The right end of each column indicates the percentage of the Affinities that fall under that Category.

This data set displays the top four Categories in descending order. Select the arrow within the "Other" row to view all Affinity Categories.

Affinity Results

The second element of the Affinity tab on a Tagger Profile is the Affinity Results. These Affinities are sorted by highest Affinity Ranking, meaning the Profile with the strongest Affinity to the target Profile will be located at the top. This list is handy when finding look-a-like Profiles.

For example, Shaun White is a professional snowboarder who regularly posts on his social platforms. Shaun's Affinity Results show the top Profiles of other Creators who post about similar topics to Shaun!


Explore a Profile's Affinities using several unique metrics by selecting "+ Add Filters."

Two options will populate Audience Size and Category. Please note, any filters applied here will directly impact the data displayed on the page.

Audience Size

The first available filter choice is Audience Size, a multi-select drop-down that allows for single or multiple selections. This filter hones in on Affinity data that falls within the selected predetermined Audience Size range.


The second filter choice is Category, allowing users to filter the selected Profile's Affinities by the Tagger-assigned Categories. Select one or multiple Categories to layer the filter.

Please note, to remove a filter, hover over the undesired filter box and select the "X" that appears.

Sort By

Sort the Affinities of a Tagger Profile by selecting "Profile Type." Here, users can choose whether the Affinities on the page are "Individual" or "Brand." Tagger defaults to present Affinity data for Individuals, with the option to switch to Brand data.

Please note that these two filters directly impact the rest of the data on the page.

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