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Report Settings

Further customize Signals Reports by editing the parameters, metrics, and sections

Updated over a week ago

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Edit Report


Each Signals report pulls in data from Tagger Creators that meet a set of parameters set out at the beginning of the report to . To alter these parameters, select an existing report, then 'Edit Report.'

You'll be brought to the following screen.

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

By default, there is ''AND' boolean logic between each section of this page.

  • If you were to add 'Zhu' to Profile and 'Nike' to Mention, you would be querying all mentions of Nike within Zhu's published content.

Additionally, adding multiple inputs into the same box (i.e., Profile or Mentions) will utilize 'OR' logic.

  • Adding 'Zhu' and 'Nike' into the Mentions box would query all posts (within the specified time frame) that have mentioned any of Zhu's social handles OR any of Nike's social handles.

    🔹 🔹 🔹


Let's walk through each of these parameters, the first of which is Keywords. Here you can add keywords, hashtags, or phrases to help refine the data included in the reports. Add or refine any boolean logic in this section to create a layered query.

Select "+" to add OR logic across several Keywords/Hashtags/Phrases, or add a row to create AND logic displayed below.

To exclude specific Keywords/Hashtags/Phrases, create a new row, select 'Add Row for "And" Logic,' then the dropdown menu next to 'AND,' then select "AND NOT.'

Start Date and End Date

Next is the start and end date of the report, which can be adjusted in the settings at any time. Customize their date ranges. If the date range is not set during the original query, the start date will be 90 days before the report is created, and the end date is the day the report was last visited.

To create an evergreen dashboard using Signals, select a start date and leave the end date blank. Setting the date like this will apply 'Since [start date]' logic and include the most current posts relevant to your query parameters every time you visit the report.


Add a Creator's Tagger Profile to the report parameters to pull data from the content that Profile has posted that meets the parameters.

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

Add any existing Label to the Profiles parameter to pull content from Creators in Tagger assigned that Label and meet the requirements set for the report.

🔹 🔹 🔹


Add a Profile to the mentions field to query any content that mentions the Profile's social handles (much like the Mentions tab on Profiles).

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

Add a Label in this field to pull content that mentions the Profiles contained within the Label.

🔹 🔹 🔹


Add a Location to the report parameters to only view content and data from Creators who live in that location, and have posted content that meets your query.

Add More Parameters

Select '+ Add More Parameters' to utilize over 25 additional report parameters:

  • Platforms

  • Content Type

  • Category

  • Brand Safety

  • Profile Type

  • Mentioned Profile Type

  • Gender

  • Post Type

  • Followers

  • Growth

  • Twitch Metrics

  • Content Health

  • Audience Size

  • Comments

  • Engagement

  • Engagement Rate

  • Estimated Impressions

  • Followers on Post Date

  • Likes

  • Shares

  • Views

  • Audience Race

  • Audience Gender

  • Audience Age

  • Audience Location

  • Audience Language

All the parameters listed above are available as filters within each Section of the Report.


Customize engagement rate, estimated impressions, and earned media value within the Signals report in the metrics tab. Please note that any changes made here will only affect the current report. To make Organization-wide changes, head to the Organization Settings.

Engagement Rate

On Tagger, the engagement rate is calculated by dividing the number of raw engagements by the number of followers the Creator has.

Select one of the other available options to change how a single report's engagement rate is calculated.

For more information on Tagger and EMV, head here.

Estimated Impressions

Modify the parameters for a Signals report's estimated impressions in the 'Estimated Impressions' dropdown.

Estimated Impressions can be used as a value included within the components of a report and as a filter to manipulate information within that report.

Earned media Value

Earned media value can be used as a value within the components of a report and as a filter to manipulate information within that report.


To edit the sections of a report, navigate to an existing report and select 'Edit Report.'

Select "Sections" from the toggle at the top of the page.

Here, users are able rearrange, rename, add or delete sections. To rearrange the sections, simply drag and drop the the section to the desired place.

To edit the name or description of the section, select the pencil icon with in the section.

To delete a section, select the trash icon.

Create new sections by selecting '+ Add Section.'

Users will be prompted to add a section name and description before selecting 'Add.'

Please note that changes will not be saved unless 'Save' is selected.

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