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[Deprecated] Campaign Settings

Explore Campaign Settings and Variables

Updated over a week ago

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After naming their Project and Campaign, users are taken to Campaign Settings to fill out the campaign details. After campaign creation, select a Campaign, then select "Settings" to access Campaign Settings.

The following information is pulled from the previous page when the Campaign was created and added here in Campaign Details:

  • Campaign Name

  • Currency

  • Brand Profile

Campaign Overview and Campaign Budget are added and customizable. The form can be extended using Campaign Custom Fields which can be added directly to this view (in a slideout) and filled in by the user in the same place as other Campaign attributes.

Custom Fields

If your Organization Admin has set up Campaign Custom Fields, make sure they are filled in accordingly.


The Monitoring tab is organized into three groups:

  • Campaign Date Range

  • Brand Mentions

  • Hashtags, Keywords, and Phrases

Tagger Tip 🚨

Each value input in these three sections must be met for content to populate in the Campaign Summary

Brand Mentions will be toggled on by default. Tagger pulls in content when the named Campaign Creators mention a social handle associated with the brand Profile or includes the exact text as any indicated keywords (i.e., tags @Nike or types "Nike"). Posts' pulled in' to the Campaign in this manner will show up in the Campaign Summary.

It may be wise to consider unchecking Brand Mentions, for example, when a brand name is confusable for something or someone else.

  • Apple is running a Campaign during the fall. It might be unwise to automatically include content during your campaign dates if the Creators within the Campaign post their favorite "apple" pie recipe. The use of "Apple" in their content would result in non-campaign content in the Campaign Summary.

Hashtags, Keywords, and Phrases for Post Monitoring (HKP)

Next, add any hashtags, keywords, or phrases (HKP) to include for post monitoring. These HKPs are what Tagger pays attention to when pulling in campaign content from the Campaign Creators. Then, the associated content is pulled into the Campaign Summary and the brand's Tagger Profile.

HKPs utilize or/and/and not logic to monitor and pull content for Campaign Posts. Below, find three scenarios using or, and and and not logic.

"OR" Logic

Within Campaign Details, OR logic means adding one or more HKP to this section. Once this happens, the post is considered qualified and pulled into the Campaign Summary.

For example, Creators within this Campaign should use either "#happydays" or "Happy Days" or "Simple Smiles" or "#simplesmile" in their content.

"AND" Logic

AND logic means that all conditions laid out here must be met for a query to be true.

For example, Creators in this Campaign must use "#ad" in conjunction with either "#happydays" or "Happy Days" or "Simple Smiles" or "#simplesmile". When a Campaign gets set up like this, Tagger only looks for "#ad" when used in combination with "#happydays" or "Happy Days" or "Simple Smiles" or "#simplesmile" in a Campaign Creators post.

"AND NOT" Logic

AND NOT logic is used to exclude specific HKPs from any content pulled into the Campaign Summary.

In the following example, Simple Smiles has two Campaigns that run through the exact dates. When it's essential to keep the content separate, Tagger users can set up two different HKPs for each Campaign. The first Campaign, displayed below, is set to pull in content that utilizes "#SSPartner," while the second pulls in content that uses "SSInfluencer"

Utilize AND NOT Logic to keep "#SSInfluencer" data out of the first Campaign

Remove Campaign or Import Campaign Settings

To remove the Campaign entirely or import the same settings to a new existing Campaign, select the ellipses in the top right corner and select "Import Settings" or "Remove Campaign"

Creator Flow

Find the best way to complete Campaign tasks for each Campaign by customizing how users and Creators work through them.

Once here, toggle elements of the Creator Flow on and off, or reorder them using drag and drop to modify the order they are completed within the Campaign.

Please note, head to Manage Creator Custom Fields to create information-gathering opportunities within this Creator View.

To learn more about customizing Creator Flow, head here.

Creator Custom Fields

If the Organization Admin has set up Creator Custom Fields, be sure they are filled in correctly.


Find proposals under 'Preparation' within Campaign Settings. Proposals are used on Tagger for various reasons; to invite Creators to join Campaigns, to explain content requirements, or layout content ownership (to name a few).

Choose from an existing Tagger Template or create a new one proprietary to the user's Organization.

Please note, sending proposals is an optional step within a Campaign's workflow. Users should feel free to communicate with Creators as they see fit.

Create a Proposal

Step 1:

Select the Proposal tab, then select "Add Section."

  • Users can add as many or as few proposal sections as desired.

Step 2:

Add the desired sections.

🚨 Tagger Tip 🚨

Review all sections within the Proposal to ensure nothing necessary or beneficial is missing. Below is an example of a user that includes a Campaign Overview, Payment Terms, and an Attachment in their Proposal.

Step 3:

Fill out the Proposal sections.

  • Please note, these sections will be blank. Users can add text outlining the Organization's specifics for each Campaign, which is what will appear to the Creator.

Step 4:

Select "Proposal Preview" to preview how the Proposal from a Creator's standpoint.

Step 5:

Once the Proposal is complete, select "Save."

  • Select "Reset" to start over.

Content Planning

Features included in the Planning section enable users to outline Campaign Groups, and budgets according to Creators proactively and understand how they affect the bottom line.


Groups enable users to place Creators into buckets. Once Creators are put into buckets, users can plan requests for content from a specific group of Creators.

Please note that it's essential to create groups before adding Creators to a Campaign. Doing so allows users to outline content requests and send them to the Creators within that Group.

Select "+ Add Group" to create a new Group. Select the pencil icon in the header of each Group to rename it.


Within Content Planning, users can enable a Concept phase if desired. Concepts act as a preliminary brainstorming phase in which users can request a rough draft of the Campaign Content.


When creating post drafts within the Content Planning tab, fill out the following information:

  • Number of Posts

  • Platform

  • Content Type

  • Link

It is essential to remember to hit "Save" after making any changes.


Every Tagger user implements and evaluates campaigns based on their unique needs. As a result, Tagger's messaging solution is an optional step within each Campaign workflow. Users should feel free to communicate with Creators as they see fit.

Use templates in communication with Creators live within the Messages section. Tagger offers nine pre-manufactured (customizable) templates, but users can also create custom templates from scratch.

Email Notifications

"Email Notifications" are automatically turned on for every Campaign. This function triggers a notification sent to Campaign Creators a week before their Instagram Insights Token expires. Creators receive a notice of the token expiration through an email that contains a link to re-authorize.


Any value-added here will populate as the subject line for the initial outreach message sent as an email to Creators. Slugs are available in this field to help determine the subject line for these messages.


There are nine types of default bulk-messaging templates in Tagger, each customizable by selecting the pencil icon.


  • The Outreach template is an introductory email. Most users utilize this template as a cold outreach to Creators to gauge their interest in working together.


  • The Proposal template is the follow-up to the Outreach message. This template includes a link to the campaign requirements.

Invite to Tagger

  • Invite Creators to set up an account and opt-in (or authenticate) in Tagger's Creator Portal.

Instagram Connection Expired

  • Inform Creators that the connection between Tagger and their Instagram Account(s) has expired. Once this connection has expired, Tagger can no longer analyze first-party data throughout the campaign period.

Instagram Connection Expiring

  • Notify Creators that the connection between Tagger and their Instagram Account(s) is about to expire. This template includes a link directing Creators to the appropriate connection page.

Instagram Connection Request

  • Explains to Creators that connecting their Instagram Accounts to Tagger allows brand partners to monitor their campaign content and associated metrics.

No Instagram Business Account

  • Explains the significance of connecting an Instagram Account to Tagger and the inability to make the connection unless the account is an Instagram Business Account.

YouTube Connection Request

  • Inform Creators that connecting their YouTube Account with Tagger enables brand partners to pull key content metrics into campaigns. This template includes a link inviting Creators to make that connection.

Collaborator Review

  • Use this template when sending Creators to a Collaborator for review.

🚨 Tagger Tip 🚨

Preview any template as the Creator will receive them by selecting "Preview."

Create Custom Template

Templates created within Campaign Settings are available on the Campaign level, while organization-wide templates are available in Organization Settings.

Step 1:

Select "+ Create New Template".

  • There is no limit to the number of templates a user is allowed to create.

Step 2:

Create a new template utilizing the slugs and Rich Text Editor.

Step 3:

Select "Save."

Link Tracking

Tagger offers a centralized place to create, manage, and report on custom short-coded links. Tagger's link tracking allows users to collect click information, which is viewable within the Campaign Summary.

Step 1:

Select the desired domain.

  • The domain is the initial building block of the short link. Tagger's default domain ( is available for use and set as the default domain, but users can utilize/create a custom domain to use as well.

  • The following fees are associated with utilizing a custom domain.

    • $50/month per custom domain to account for incurred costs.

    • A one-time $200 fee for setting the link up with additional HTTPS functionality to ensure that the connection is as secure as possible (this is not required but recommended).

The example below shows a user setting up a link with the Tagger default domain (

Step 2:

Set up the Destination URL.

  • Enter the URL that Creators will send their audience to once they click on the link.

Step 3:

Toggle on Default Shortcode.

  • Toggling on Default Shortcode helps users understand the variance between different links and aids in organization.

  • The slugs or buttons will populate the data, available for use.

Most users tend to utilize Tagger's Default Shortcode feature. It enables users to decipher between pieces of content, the day the content went live, and the Creator's name. This information starts to populate as soon as any link click activity occurs.

Preview links by selecting "Preview."

Step 4:

Append UTMs.

  • Append UTM parameters to the destination URL, which will provide a means to obtain attribution insights through the UI of your analytics provider.

Tagger's solution comes with five standard parameters compatible with most common analytics tools, such as Google Analytics:

  • Source: The platform where the 'click' originated.

  • Medium: This is set to 'Influencer' as all the 'clicks' come from an Influencer Marketing Campaign.

  • Campaign: The Tagger Campaign the Creator is in that sent the 'click' to the destination URL.

  • Term: The handle of the Creator that sent the 'click' to the destination URL.

  • Content: The name assigned to the content as it is in the Tagger Campaign.

To add UTM parameters, hit the "UTM" toggle. UTM parameters are pre-set, meaning they automatically append to the links based on post-level information, such as Campaign, post platform, Creator, and content name.

Step 5:

Add a pixel code snippet.

  • On Tagger, pixels are added directly to the URLs that Creators give to their audience, whereas normal pixels are placed directly on a website. Meaning that, unlike other pixels, Tagger pixels fire immediately upon the link click instead of firing when users land on a website.

    • UTMs on Tagger provide a unique opportunity to track traffic where pixels would otherwise not be able to be placed. Users can leverage an audience in several ways, including retargeting, building lookalike audiences, deeper analysis, etc.

Step 6:

Once complete, select "Save."

  • Select "Reset" to restart the process.

Tagger's automated process will issue links to Creators as they are assigned content drafts.

Please note, links are case-sensitive. When distributing these links to Creators, copy them directly from this screen using the button that appears while hovering over the link.


The Metrics tab within Campaign Settings allows users to customize the metrics within the Campaign Summary.

Use the toggles within each element to turn Estimated Impressions, Earned Media Value, Combined Reach, or Engagement Lift on or off for the Campaign.

Selecting the down caret next to each data point allows users to make edits and adjustments to that data point.

Please note that the ToolTips next to each data provide a quick explanation of each metric.

Engagement Rate

Tagger's default calculation for Engagement Rate is Engagement/Followers, but users can change the calculation for the Campaign in this section. Any changes made here will reflect only in the Campaign Summary.

Once the desired calculation method is selected, select "Save," located at the bottom right of the Engagement Rate window.

🚨 Tagger Tip 🚨

The engagement rate will not be displayed in the Campaign Summary if the necessary metrics do not accompany the selected method of calculation complete the calculation.

For example, suppose a user selects the Engagement Rate calculation to be Engagements over Reach, but no posts in the Campaign have reach as a populated metric. In that case, the Engagement Rate can not be calculated.

For more information regarding engagements across different social platforms, head here.

Estimated Impressions

Estimated Impressions are calculated using the percentages found in the table below.

When hovering over a cell, a pencil icon will appear that enables users to edit that cell's percentage. Adjust, and click "Save."

Earned Media Value

Earned Media Value is a way to assign a dollar value to various actions associated with different content types. Tagger uses the benchmarks provided by Soulmates, outlined below.

According to the benchmark table below (USD), an Instagram Photo runs at $.10 per like. Using this calculation, if a Creator receives 1,000 likes on an Instagram photo, the estimated value of that post would be $100.

How to customize EMV to your needs here.

Earned Media Value Acronyms

  • Instagram Post

    • VPCO = Value per comment

    • VPL = Value per like

    • VPM = Value per 1k impressions

  • Instagram Story

    • VPC = Value per click

    • VPM = Value per 1k impressions

  • Facebook Post

    • VPCO = Value per comment

    • VPL = Value per like

    • VPM = Value per 1k impressions

    • VPV = Value per view

    • VPC = Value per click

    • VPS = Value per share

  • Twitter Post

    • VPL (VPFAV) = Value per like (Favorite)

    • VPM = Value per 1k impressions

    • VPV = Value per view

    • VPC = Value per click

    • VPS = Value per share/retweet

  • Youtube Post

    • VPCO = Value per comment

    • VPL= Value per like

    • VPM= Value per 1k impressions

    • VPV= Value per view

  • Snapchat Story

    • VPM= Value per 1k impressions

    • VPC= Value per click

Edit any of Tagger's default percentages by cell, similar to Estimated Impressions.

Combined Reach

Tagger receives post-level information on reach via the Instagram Insights API. The API identifies the number of unique users that saw a specific post then, and then Tagger sums reach to calculate Combined Reach. This way, we are not duplicating uniques profiles or views.

As a result, this metric should be viewed as an estimate.

Engagement Lift

Compare Campaign performance to a Creator's Engagement Rate benchmarks from their other sponsored or organic posts. Remove these options by small circle next to the undesirable option, then select "Save."

Collaborator Templates

Outline the information available to Collaborators within Collaborator View.

Throughout a Campaign, Collaborators can access Creator Review (approve or decline Creators for the Campaign), Content Review (approve or deny content for the Campaign), and Summary View (view of the Campaign Summary).

Creator Review

In Creator Review, Collaborators approve or decline prospective Creators for the Campaign.

To edit the information included with Creator View, select "Edit," then select "+" and choose the desired information about the prospective Creator's Profile.

Users can remove sections by selecting "X." and move units by dragging and dropping.

If there are multiple Collaborators for a Campaign, any customizations made in this section apply to all Creator Reviews in the Campaign.

The exception is when a user within the Organization went to a specific Creator awaiting approval and edited the Collaborator Preview from the Campaign Creator Screen.

Summary View

Summary View is where Collaborators have access to the selected Campaign performance metrics. This view mirrors the Campaign Summary from a Tagger user's standpoint.

Like when Collaborators are in Creator Review, users can customize which sections are accessible and the order they are displayed to Collaborators.

Add sections using "+," move sections by dragging and dropping and delete a section by selecting "X."

Apply filters that, when saved, will be displayed for the Collaborator upon viewing the page, giving users full autonomy of the data they are presenting.



The Users tab within Campaign Settings shows a list of active users within the Organization.

To ensure that users within the Organization have access to the correct Campaign, select "Add User."

Search for other users within the Organization to share the Campaigns.

Then decide their role within the Organization.

Please note, Teams is an optional feature within a campaign workflow. For questions regarding Teams, reach out to the Organization Admin.


If an Organization has opted to use Tagger Teams, they can ensure specific Teams within the Organization have access to a particular Campaign.

Do so by selecting "Add Team.

Then, search for Team(s) within your Organization to share the Campaign.

Please note, Teams is an optional function of any Campaign; for questions regarding Teams, reach out to the Organization Admin.


Collaborators are brand or agency partners without a seat on Tagger, so non-Tagger users. Collaborators have access to Tagger's Collaborator Portal, designed to make it easy for agency or brand partners to collaborate with their coworkers.

Type the email of the desired Collaborator and determine their rights (Summary, Creator View, and Content Review)

After the invitation is sent, users can view a list of the Collaborators with whom the selected Campaign has been shared.

Inviting Collaborators

Step 1:

Select "+ Invite Collaborator".

Step 2:

Enter the email of the desired Collaborator and enable their Rights.

To add multiple Collaborators, select "+ Add another."

🚨 Tagger Tip 🚨

Assign as many rights to the Collaborator by different custom Rights for each.

Step 3:

Finalize the invitation by selecting "Share."

Edit Collaborator Rights

After inviting Collaborators, it is still possible to revoke access, edit their rights, and resend access emails.

Step 1:

Select the pencil icon.

Step 2:
Manage which Rights are available to Collaborator by selecting or deselecting the boxes below.

Step 3:

Select "Save."

Select "Resend" to resend an invitation to the Collaborator for the Campaign.

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