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Notification Types
1주 전에 업데이트함

Tagger sends notifications within two sections of the platform: Content Approval, and Creator Hiring. The recipients and descriptions of each notification can be found in the tables below.

Content Approval




Content Requested

Agency, Creator

Requesting: Concepts, Content, Publication

Content Review Requested

Agency, Collaborator

Requesting: Collaborator Review for Concepts and content

Content Request Cancelled

Agency, Creator

Cancelling: Requests for Concepts, content, Publication

Content Review Request Cancelled

Agency, Collaborator

Cancelling: Requests for Collaborator Review for Concepts and content

Content Deleted


Deleted: Concepts and content

Content Submitted


Submitting: Concepts and content from Creator

Content Review Finished

Agency, Collaborator

Complete: Collaborator Review

Content Published

Agency, Creator

Link: a Post Draft to a piece of content

Content Unpublished

Agency, Creator

Cancelling an existing link between a Post Draft and live content

Content Completed

Agency, Creator, Collaborator

Finalized: Post Draft

Content Renamed

Agency, Creator, Collaborator

Rename a Post Draft

Content Due Date Changed

Agency, Creator, Collaborator

Due Date of a Post Draft has changed

Message Received

Agency, Creator, Collaborator

Message received from Agency, Creator or Collaborator.

Creator Hiring




Proposal Received

Agency, Creator

Send a proposal to a Creator

Proposal Updated

Agency, Creator

Update and send a proposal to a Creator

Proposal Approved


Creator approved a proposal

Proposal Declined

Agency, Creator

Agency or Creator has declined a proposal

Proposal Skipped

Agency, Creator

Proposal skipped by agency

Proposal Withdrawn

Agency, Creator

Proposal withdrawn by agency

Internal Review Submitted


Submititing an Internal Review by Agency

Collaborator Review Requested

Agency, Collaborator

Request Collaborator Review by Agency

Collaborator Review Submitted

Agency, Collaborator

Collaborator Review completed by Collaborator

Creator Hired

Agency, Creator

Creator has been hired and signed a contract

Message Received

Agency, Creator, Collaborator

Message received from Agency, Creator or Collaborator.

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