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All CollectionsCampaign Summary
Customizing Summary view
Customizing Summary view
Updated over a week ago

Tagger users can fully customize the view of the Campaign Summary.

What can I customize?

Similarly to configuring the Signals views, you can:

  • add new columns/values to the default components

  • add new components to the default views

  • change the methods of visualization of the data

"Edit mode" for a single Campaign

Click the "Edit Summary" available in the header of the Campaign Summary:

Buttons in the header allows you to Save the changes for a single Campaign, save them as Organization Template or restore any changes to the Organization Default.

All functionalities of the "Edit mode" work exactly the same as in Signals views and reports.

Adding new components

Click on "Add Component" to see the available options. For your convenience, we're suggesting some useful pivots of the data to help you get started!

Configuring default Summary templates

All views that summarize the Campaign performance can be changed and set as default for the whole organization.

Organization Admin can go to Settings -> Campaign Defaults -> Summary Templates to customize the default reports, separately for:

  • an individual Campaign ("Campaign Summary Template")

  • an individual Project ("Project Summary Template")

  • a Cross-Campaign Summary report ("Cross-Campaign Summary Template")

  • a shareable version for Collaborators ("Collaborator Summary Template")

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