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Estimated Fees
Updated over a week ago

Estimated Fees

Estimated Average

The estimated fee is the average price of a piece of content. This is based on all content posted by this Creator in the last 90 days.

For example, suppose the Creator posted three Instagram reels, five YouTube videos, and 10 TikTok videos within the last 90 days. In that case, we calculate an estimated fee for each piece of content and provide an average.

Estimated Fees Per Post

View the estimated range for the Creator’s posts and compare them between platforms and content types.

Estimated fees are always displayed as a range. These values are calculated using the Creator's audience size for each platform. The visibility of certain content types depends on the configuration of this metric, so all content types with the same configuration are grouped in the “Other”/”All” field.

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

Use the corresponding filter in Discovery: Average Estimated Fee per Post. Conduct searches using average values from these ranges.

🔹 🔹 🔹

Average Cost Per Engagement

Evaluate the Average Cost per Engagement (CPE) of each content type/platform based on content posted in the last 90 days.

This component enables users to identify the most cost-effective piece of content quickly.

For example, suppose the Creator posted three Instagram reels within the last 90 days. In that case, the CPE value is calculated by taking the average estimated cost of the three reels divided by engagement of the respective reels.

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