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Shopify Authentication
Updated over a week ago

To manage Shopify Integrations, go into the Integrations tab and select 'Shopify' from the menu.

Users will see the list of Shopify Stores their Organization is connected with.

Add a Shopify Store

To add a Shopify Store to Tagger, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Select 'Shopify.'

Step 2:

Select 'Add Shopify Store.'

Step 3:

Submit either the Shopify Store ID.

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

The Shopify Store Link input here has to lead to the Shopify Store. For example, to connect to Bose’s Shopify Store, insert instead of

Step 4:

Now that Shopify Store has been added to the list of connections, it needs to be authorized by the Shopify Store Admin. This can be done one of two ways:

The Shopify Store Admin selects 'Connect Shopify' to go through the authorization process.

Anyone who is not the Shopify store Admin can copy the provided link and send it to the Shopify Store Admin.

Step 3:

After the Shopify Store Admin authorizes Tagger, the user can enjoy this integration's perks!

🔹 Tagger Tip 🔹

Organizations can connect with multiple Shopify Stores and use them in their Campaigns.

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